Former Navy SEAL reveals secret 10 minute-a-day upgrade for your brain’s ancient pathways that could
save you or your family in a life or death situation.
Dear good guy with a gun,
According to the Department of Justice, you have a greater than 50% chance of experiencing a violent attack at some point in your life.
And your ancient “brain wiring” wants to sabotage your response.
Sure, you regularly practice at the range.
You have top-of-the-line gear.
Maybe you’ve got a military or law enforcement background.
But you’re still at a huge disadvantage in a conflict.
That 50% chance of experiencing a violent attack at some point in your life means you’re woefully unprepared to save your own skin if something goes down.
Let alone the life of a family member or someone else you love.
You see, in an attack, you’re perhaps the only thing between a bad guy and good guys.
But right now, despite any training you’ve done, shooting at the range or attending classes or seminars… your brain could doom you.
Let me explain.
I’m sure you’ve heard of “Fight or Flight.”
For hundreds of years, we thought that was how humans dealt with imminent danger; you fight the attacker… or run from it.
Imagine for a moment, you’re ambushed by a thug tonight.
I can guarantee, (with 100% certainty), the shock and surprise of the situation would cause you to instantly FREEZE.
How do I know?
Well, EVERYONE does…
Whether someone is completely unprepared… or a highly trained Navy SEAL, like me.
I’m Larry Yatch, a retired Navy SEAL, and I run a private firearms and self-defense think tank and training lab in Minnesota.
I call it SEALed Mindset.
If you happen to have read Dick Couch’s best-selling book, “Down Range,” on Navy SEALs in Iraq and Afghanistan, the second chapter tells some of my story.
I was still “under the radar” when Dick wrote that, so he used the name “Sean Yarrow” to protect my identity.
Anyhow… I know from experience EVERYBODY freezes in a high-stress situation.
The only question is… HOW LONG WILL YOU FREEZE?
Now understand this: your answer to that question could be the difference between remaining in the land of the living… and meeting your maker.
See, fight or flight was all wrong.
The reality is that people either fight, flight, or freeze.
Look, we’ve all had those frightening moments.
Maybe it was a wedding speech you had to give, or a presentation at work where your mind just went COMPLETELY BLANK.
That’s the freeze response at work.
It's long been known that the ancient and primitive part of the brain - called the hypothalamus - reacts to perceived danger by triggering a 'fight or flight' response.
It sends a signal to release adrenaline, quicken the heart rate, speed the breath and prepare you to confront a threat… or run away.
However, scientists are now realizing that stress can have a huge impact on the prefrontal cortex as well.
This is the part of the brain that doesn't fully develop until after your teenage years.
The prefrontal cortex holds the circuitry we need for abstract thought.
It allows us to concentrate on the task at hand while storing useful information in temporary storage for later on.
It also prevents you from performing inappropriate actions and is basically the command center for the brain.
Why then is this most evolved part of the brain, which is so key to dealing with immediate problems, so sensitive to stress?
When under great stress the brain can accidentally flick from its higher functions to primal reactions as it assumes we need to react instinctively to save ourselves.
And these primitive brain pathways can stop us on a dime.
Like a deer in the headlights.
Think “The Freeze” Won’t Happen to You?
Mike Hughes was runner up on Season 3 of Top Shot and is a phenomenal shooter—in fact, he’s one of the fastest shooters SEALed Mindset has ever worked with.
Mike took more than 8 seconds after an attack happened to start his response on one simulated attack scenario and stayed frozen until they finally stopped the scenario on another one.
After running thousands of shooters through simulated attack scenarios, this kind of “freeze” response is normal, regardless of whether the shooter is a civilian or has a military or law enforcement background.
It only took a handful of scenarios to cut several SECONDS off of Mike’s response time and, as a result, he completely changed how he approaches shooting after the training and is now WAY more able to respond to self-defense threats than he ever was before.
Not because we helped him SHOOT faster, but because we helped him RESPOND faster.
And the good news is, through a specific type of training, you can respond faster too.
Think about it.
If a highly seasoned shooter like Mike Hughes froze for over 8 seconds… how long could it last for you?
What if the “freeze” that may have lasted 10 seconds or longer could be cut down by more than half?
Well, it can.
It just takes the right kind of conditioning.
Without that specific conditioning… no amount of spent rounds at the range can override your primitive brain.
No high-speed reload can save you… because you’ll never even get to draw.
In fact, no amount of comfort with your weapon could overcome your brains response.
Now for the bad news…
If you’re working with even a top-flight instructor… even he can’t “re-program” your instincts in a traditional 2, 3, or 5 day class.
Sure, he’s taught you skills you can perform like champ in class.
But he just can’t teach you how to perform the exact same tasks under real life, shocking surprise, “life or death” stress.
He’s not to blame.
Your instructor has too many skills to teach you and too little time to do it.
That means you’ll never develop the muscle memory you need to dramatically cut down the amount of time you freeze under extreme stress.
And without a ton of practice, you’ll end up losing 60-80% of your skill level in just a few short weeks.
I know this drives instructor’s nuts… but they can’t shadow you all day and pepper you with drills.
Unless you have a pretty big budget… but who does?
And there hasn’t been an affordable solution to this huge problem… until recently.
We’ll get to that in a minute…as well as an easy solution.
But first, I want to tell you a little bit about my SEAL training and a couple of lessons that have saved my life – more than once.
Contrary to what you’ve seen on TV and in movies…
In fact, there were several instances for me where “going hot” meant that the mission had gone seriously bad.
A popular SEAL example would be the operation that the book and movie, “Lone Survivor” was based on…Operation Red Wings.
As another SEAL example, I operated covertly as part of a two-man team for 12 months in a hostile country.
We moved about urban and rural areas, blending in, and executing our mission with people who looked, acted, and even smelled differently than we did.
Carrying a rifle wasn’t an option, and I didn’t even have one to fight to most of the time.
My most effective weapon was my concealed pistol.
You see, this stuff isn’t theory to me. During those kinds of ops, it wasn’t my gun fighting skills that kept me alive, it was my situational awareness and deterrence training.
And, in case you didn’t realize it, you’re in the same boat that I was when I was operating covertly.
No matter how much you train and how prepared you are, you want to do everything you can to avoid being in a situation where you have to use your gun in self-defense.
Sure, high speed gun skills can get you through a fight.
But it’s situational awareness and deterrence skills that will help you avoid 98% of all violent confrontations – and give you an advantage in the remaining 2%.
Yet most defensive firearms courses only have the time to mention these two vital skills in passing – if they mention them at all.
When I retired from active duty, I knew that I had to do something to help regular, everyday folks… folks like you… get real training that works in life-or-death situations when it absolutely, positively cannot fail.
Most firearms instructors are downright awesome guys (and gals) and would love to have more time with their students to do things right.
But the problem is, they’re stuck teaching too much material in too little time because of how tight peoples’ schedules and budgets are.
So my team and I stepped back and looked at what works and what doesn’t work in:
- Military, law enforcement, and civilian firearms training
- What worked and didn’t work for us in lethal force encounters
- Martial arts and hand-to-hand combat training methods
- Accelerated learning, and stress psychology
And created a revolutionary firearms training system that combines the best of all of them.
The best part is, using this system…
In about 10 minutes a day, YOU can gain
“Operative” level skills… and put them on autopilot
“Operative” level skills… and put them on autopilot
Yes, I’m aware that’s a huge claim.
And you are perfectly within your rights to be skeptical.
First I’ll tell you that sessions would have to add up for a few weeks.
It’s NOT an “instant” process.
But it’s the fastest system ever developed.
More on that in a minute.
Let’s look at why you need these skills to be on autopilot.
See, in extreme stress situations, you can’t think your way through a problem.
You can only do what you’ve already done.
The whole process of freezing amounts to having to think about what to do next.
You won’t freeze because you’re afraid, though we all feel fear in a pressure-cooker situation.
It’s simply your brain digging through all of your training looking for the best tactic to make it out alive.
But your brain is not very efficient when it’s faced with imminent crisis.
If you remember the days when we used to listen to music with vinyl records… freezing is like when the record skips on a scratch… and when it gets back to the scratch… it skips again.
And again.
And again.
Until you pick up the needle and move it.
In other words, your brain gets stuck in a loop… and it takes precious seconds to “bump” it into getting back on track.
But a two-step training I’ve developed gives you the one-two punch that puts you on autopilot.
Step 1: In a classroom setting, you learn the why and the how… as I call it, the “head knowledge.”
Step 2: You do 5-10 minutes of drills… and burn them into muscle memory.
Sounds simple, right?
Well, it is, and it isn’t.
Let me explain.
At my facility, we’re always testing.
Not just the latest and greatest techniques… but the fastest way to “trick” the body into building muscle memory super-fast.
These “learning hacks” are key.
You see, while the “head knowledge” is easy for us to teach, the accelerated learning techniques took years of trial and error, and then tweaking, to find the “holy grail” of developing muscle memory as quickly as possible.
How does this one-two punch of learning hacks work?
First we use something called “slow training.”
Basically, you do specific skill drills executed at very slow speed.
Far slower than you would actually use the skill.
“Slow Training” allows your mind to focus on the details.
Most shooters want fast. And fast is great! But the faster you try to do a technique… the less detail your mind remembers.
So you learn far quicker because all of your skills are done closer to perfection… rather than reinforcing inefficient movement’s time after time.
And “slow training” burns perfect form into muscle memory.
The second element comes from psychology and the study of “mirror neurons.”
I’ll make this simple with an example.
If you ever have looked at a baby and stuck your tongue out a few times, you notice the baby “mirrors” you and sticks out a little tongue!
The babies “mirror neurons” copied exactly what you did.
Elite athletes have used “visualization techniques” to activate their “mirror neurons” for decades.
But new research takes this one giant leap forward.
Recently, scientists have discovered you can activate “mirror neurons” simply by watching someone else perform a skill with the intent of repeating them.
So my system gives you “mirror neuron training” that gives you a benchmark of perfect form to emulate just by watching and following along in your living room.
That’s why most live training doesn’t stick for long.
In fact, two, three, or four weeks after a traditional firearms class, your form continues to degrade even if you practice.
And the reason why is because your mind moves further and further from that perfect technique you learned in class.
“Mirror neuron training” keeps you sharp in just a few minutes a day.
Just by watching the follow along drills on the screen and following along with them, you’re constantly emulating perfect form.
Add these two accelerated learning techniques together, and you’ve got the holy grail of fast muscle memory training.
And it’s why “slow training” and “mirror neuron training” improves your skills DRAMATICALLY – in just 10 minutes a day over a three week period.
Because skill is burned into your muscle memory and you never have to think.
That’s how you advance from the “freeze” and get on autopilot.
In the military, we call this “immediate action drills.” At SEALed Mindset, we call it “conditioned responses.”
And how you can boost your odds… or your families odds in an ambush or any other sticky situation a bad guy may put you in.
How can you get this unfair advantage?

The Concealed Carry Masters Course is the first and only firearms DVD training course that teaches scientifically validated techniques to reprogram your freeze response so that you automatically and instantly respond to threats without delay or hesitation.
And in case you’re wondering, there is a HUGE difference with the Concealed Carry Masters Course over other concealed carry and defensive pistol courses...
MOST courses today are taught by guys with prior military experience.
In fact, most high dollar courses are taught by guys with a lot of direct action under their belt...Rangers, SEALs, Green Berets, and other special operations guys like me.
They're teaching some really cool tactics and techniques to civilians...stuff that kept them alive as warfighters.
And that kind of class makes for a really fun experience.
But the problem is that if you have to defend yourself from a violent attack tonight, it won't be as a warfighter overseas fighting an enemy of the United States.
It'll be in your hometown, or even your home, and military tactics could easily injure innocent people around you – maybe even neighbors or loved ones – and could very easily cause you tremendous criminal and civil liability.
However, the Concealed Carry Masters Course is designed specifically for the civilian defender who's serious about legally defending themselves from a violent attack.
And that my friend, is a huge difference.
After all, it’s the bad guy who should go to jail… not YOU!
And that’s why the Concealed Carry Masters Course also shows you how to:
- Seamlessly integrate situational awareness into your psyche…
- Use deterrence strategies, and fight to your gun with empty hands…
- The most effective use of your gun in a self-defense situation…
- Rapidly transition to using your pistol as an impact weapon if it malfunctions…

Also, these DVDs were entirely planned out and scripted before we ever shot a frame of footage.
They reflect the same lesson outlines we’ve used in the 140-180 live training sessions we’ve done every month for the last 2 years in our studio.
This means you’re getting material that’s already been tested, refined, and proven effective.
There’s no “winging it” or “flying off the cuff” on these DVDs .
Why’s that important?
One of the creators of an incredibly popular firearms training DVD series recently said in a magazine interview that he’d never even taught classes or worked with the other instructor until they started filming.
They’re great instructors and they put out a solid product, but I have to think that if they’d refined their instruction over hundreds of deliveries, they would have put out a more effective end product.
Every word, technique, and move was planned, tested, and refined in advance so that you will effectively learn every single important step from the comfort of your home.
Three BIG Reasons Why
Concealed Carry Masters Course is
More Effective Than Other Courses
Concealed Carry Masters Course is
More Effective Than Other Courses
This may be a shock to you, but going to most firearms classes or watching firearms training DVDs won’t prepare you for a violent encounter–and every single instructor I know who’s worth their salt would agree with me about that.
That’s why they all tell their students, at least once, if not several times, to “make sure you’re practicing this stuff on a regular basis after you go home.”
So what’s the problem?
Even if you actually practice after a high-dollar training class, your memory of perfect form or technique and the quality of your practice will quickly fade over time.
Don’t get me wrong…
You’ll probably learn some great skills and have an incredible experience.
But it doesn’t mean that you’re ready to meet a life or death scenario with immediate, subconscious, trained responses.
The best instructors know that when you face a stressful situation, the part of your brain that’s responsible for decision making, conscious thought, and remembering how to do things shuts down and your subconscious takes control.
You don’t have the time (or ability) to “think” about your training–you only have time to do what you’ve programmed your mind and body to do.
If you’ve got to think about what you’re going to do, you will freeze and stay frozen.
And that is why it’s so important to practice until you reach “unconscious competence,” or the ability to do things without conscious thought.
However, few people practice correctly to begin with, let alone practice enough to ever get to this level.
And doing a typical 2 to 7 day course won’t allow you enough practice time to master skills and develop the muscle memory necessary to transfer the skills from conscious to subconscious reaction: the reactions that you can depend on under stress.
If they could, most instructors would go home with their students and be ready, at a moment’s notice, to repeat anything they said in the class, demonstrate perfect form to model, tell you exactly what you need to practice to get better, call out the steps to practice, and encourage multiple repetitions so that the skills can be hardwired.
But 99% of instructors can’t do this.
Heck, even other training DVDs aren’t set up to do this, but that’s exactly what the Concealed Carry Masters Course DVDs were designed to do for you – train your subconscious to respond correctly and immediately to violent attacks, even when people around you are frozen or cowering in fear and submission.
You’ll not only get dry fire follow-along videos that you can model in the comfort of your home, but also a downloadable and printable companion guide with written descriptions of all of the dry and live fire drills, with pictures, to use at home, at the range, or when you’re away from home.
Second, I mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating.
I operated undercover in hostile countries for extended periods of time and am alive today, in large part, because of my situational awareness, deterrence, and disengagement skills.
In the Concealed Carry Masters Course, you’ll learn our simple, proven, 2-step system for assessing people and environments that will make you more aware of your surroundings than you thought possible while staying as calm, relaxed, and in control as a lion lying in the sun.
And, if your spidey senses do go off, or trouble sneaks up on you, we’ll give you tools to calm the situation down and get away before you’re forced into a situation where you need to deploy a weapon.
“It was amazing how much more aware I was walking my dog last night after taking your class yesterday. I have always tried to make a point of being aware but I was much more vigilant regarding what is going on around me. It was also empowering.
I wish I had started taking classes a few years ago when I first heard about SEALed Mindset on Armed America Radio. I really appreciate that your training attempts to simulate real situations… I am doing this to learn a valuable skill to protect myself and my family… not to become a good shot under ideal situations with no threat against me or to just get in shape etc. Thanks to you and your team for what you do!”
- Keith
And third, the reality of a self-defense situation is that it normally comes to you and is hidden until the last possible moment.
It usually won’t happen at 21 feet or 11 feet, but inches.
The schools of thought that say that most attacks on civilians happen at 21 or 11 feet miss the fact that those stats are based on law enforcement encounters where the police are moving towards bad guys on purpose.
Criminal attacks on civilians are normally ambushes, start inches away, and occur
at off-angles.
Your training MUST reflect that reality
to have maximum effectiveness.
at off-angles.
to have maximum effectiveness.
That means that, if you carry a gun for self-defense, you’ll probably need to FIGHT to even be able to deploy your gun.
Sure, some trainers have figured this out and are teaching “contact shooting.”
But real life proves out that MOST contact shooting techniques currently being taught will FAIL MOST of the time and almost guarantees that you’ll end up in a struggle for your gun where you’re at a severe disadvantage.
Here’s an example.
1.5 seconds is about how long it takes someone to go from a dead stop and travel 21 feet.
It’s also about how long it takes a practiced shooter to draw and put effective rounds on target.
But if your attacker is 21 INCHES away, do you think he’s going to calmly watch you for a second or two (or 3 under stress) while you draw and engage?
Hell, no
He’s either going to start pummeling you or he’s going to go for your gun too.
That’s why we test all of our techniques with live force-on-force simunition/airsoft training, and studying after action reports.
In the Concealed Carry Masters Course,
you’ll learn what actually works
in the real world.
you’ll learn what actually works
in the real world.
When you’re done, you won’t just know some fun facts to share at parties, you’ll quickly and easily own these skills at a subconscious level and will be able to identify, avoid, and, if necessary, stop violent threats as fast and efficiently as possible under extreme stress.
“I was a complete novice before taking classes at SEALed Mindset. I now have skills and confidence that I know I could not have gained on my own even spending hours on a range. I still have lots more I can learn, but I expect I’ll run out of ability before Lt Yatch and his team run out of training material. If you have ever felt a need to be better positioned to protect yourself or your family but didn’t know where to start, call SEALed Mindset. You will have a lot of fun too.”
- William
Stop Learning Shooting Skills
the Long, Slow, Hard, and Expensive Way.
Try the SEALed Mindset Way Today,
And When You Do, This Is What You’ll Learn…
the Long, Slow, Hard, and Expensive Way.
And When You Do, This Is What You’ll Learn…
- How to neutralize and reprogram your body’s natural startle response.
- How to prevent and correct Linear Range Training Scars.
- The 3 things most shooters do when they draw under stress that almost guarantees that they’ll miss their target.
- The dynamic weapon position that will allow you to run the fastest. This will immediately give you the ultimate edge in any violent confrontation.
- How to train your mind to detect, while blindfolded, the difference between how a gun feels when it cycles properly, when the slide locks on an empty mag, and when you have a malfunction. (This could knock anywhere between .3 and a full 2 seconds off your reload and malfunction times.)
- Empirical video proof that “getting off the ‘X'” will NOT keep you safe when you have a malfunction against an advancing attacker. We’ll show you what really works.
- The secret of “Time Hacking” and how it can quickly help you smooth off rough edges in your technique.
- Why dry fire, when done wrong, won’t transfer over to live fire and how to do it correctly.
- A simple system of analyzing people and locations, explained by a counter-terrorism expert, to quickly and easily determine your TRUE level of risk in any situation.
- Ever seen someone get their thumb ripped off by a slide cycling? You won’t believe the real life, caught on camera safety video in chapter 9 of “The Draw” lesson.
- Dramatic re-enactments of legally justified self-defense shootings ripped from the headlines, and how the SEALed Mindset Concealed Carry Master’s Course could have saved lives, marriages, fortunes, and endless heartache.
- The most effective ways to transition between multiple targets. No, it’s not the same way you do it in competition and there are 3 different techniques depending on how they’re spread out. Mess this up, and it’s INCREDIBLY likely that you’ll have your gun taken from you without even realizing it.
- A series of one-second drills showing multiple attackers where you only have an instant to decide, based on 2 critical factors, which attacker to engage first. EVERY instructor in the country should be using these drills in every class they teach.
Plus, a whole lot more…4 hours and 56 minutes
of DVD instruction and another 4 hours and 28
minutes of DVD Follow-Along Drills and bonus lessons!
of DVD instruction and another 4 hours and 28
minutes of DVD Follow-Along Drills and bonus lessons!
Meaning you’ll:
We’ll take you from the couch to the range to having the quiet confidence of knowing you have the ability to perform under extreme stress
Now if you trained with me or Beau, the other main instructor on the DVDs, here in Minnesota, it would cost you $300 per hour, not including your travel and lodging.
And let´s face it… you can´t learn how to shoot in an hour.
Plus, one of the secrets to our accelerated learning process is small, frequent exposures to the techniques over time.
And even our local private lesson clients don’t get unlimited retakes like you do with the DVDs.
So really, to get anything close to the effectiveness of this training DVD course, you’d need to move to Minneapolis and train with us a few times a week like you would at a martial arts studio.
If you did that, it would cost you $185 PER MONTH, plus a $69 background check and a $100 membership fee…. PLUS the $300 an hour.
You’d also have to attend a mandatory 2 hour orientation at 9am on a Saturday (INDOC) before you start training.
Unfortunately, this really only applies to people who already live near our studios, or you’re throwing another $100 a night for lodging.
Even so, the DVDs are more like our $300 per hour private lessons.
When you add up the cost to get the training that’s a close approximation to what you’ll get on the SEALed Mindset Concealed Carry Masters Course DVDs, the cost ranges from $5,000-$9,000, depending on how long it takes you and how many private retakes you do.
Our students agree that the level of mastery, confidence, and peace of mind that they receive from our training is worth every penny.
But now you won’t have to pay anywhere near that amount.
Fortunately, we’ve made it so that you don’t have to invest in travel or moving costs and private lessons with Beau or me.
You Can Get the
Exact Same Training
I Offer at my Studio For
a Tiny Fraction of the Cost!
Exact Same Training
I Offer at my Studio For
a Tiny Fraction of the Cost!
When you take advantage of this special offer right now, your total investment is only $297 $97!
“Your instruction is so much farther ahead of any other firing ranges. Despite being around guns for most of my life, I learned I was doing everything wrong before I met you. If I were to rate SEALed Mindset on a scale of 1 to 10, it is a 10. It’s that good!”
- Joe C.

You don´t need to make up your mind right now. Just go ahead and get the SEALed Mindset Concealed Carry Master’s Course today and try it out.
Take a full 60 days to go through the 8 sessions and practice the techniques.
If for any reason you’re not 100% delighted – if you don´t agree that you’ll be able to use what you learn to protect yourself and your loved ones…
…and if you don’t think your skills have skyrocketed at least 300%...
Simply send the materials back and you’ll get a rapid, no hassle, 100% refund.
Look, you need a system that works every single time, without fail.
It could mean the difference between going home or going to the funeral home.
This 8-part DVD firearms training series are THE only affordable firearms training system of its kind.
So you know what to do. It´s time to step up and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from an unexpected attack.
"The shooting techniques, the accelerated teaching/learning systems, and the integrated methods that he’s created are among the best that I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot."
- Michael Martin, USCCA Chief Instructor
Yes, Larry, you’re cleared hot.
I understand I’m about to get access to the highest quality firearms instruction available – live or on DVD – that uses cutting edge teaching and practice methods to hardwire positive stress reactions and firearms skills at the subconscious level reactions and skills that I can depend on under extreme stress.
Once I sign up, I’ll get the following:

- Concealed Carry Masters Course on 4 DVDs with 4 hours and 56 minutes of some of the highest quality firearms instruction available that uses cutting edge teaching methods that aren’t available anywhere else.
- INSTANT & ON DEMAND ACCESS to the first video training session so you can start training immediately!
- Dry and live fire follow along drills (also on the 4 DVDs) so you’ll always be modeling perfect technique!
- INSTANT & ON DEMAND ACCESS to all of the drill videos and bonus training!
- INSTANT & ON DEMAND ACCESS to the companion guide!
- INSTANT & ON DEMAND ACCESS to Larry’s video presentations on “Leadership”, “Innovation”, “Courage”, and “Respect”! These sell out at $49 apiece ($196 value) but you’ll get them for free with the Concealed Carry Master’s Course.
- A special discount code, from Next Level Training for SIRT laser training pistols. Designed by the runner-up of Season 3 of Top Shot, Mike Hughes, this is the main training tool that we use in our studio and believe every shooter should have one, regardless of what training they do.
- Plus surprise bonuses!
I realize this training would cost well over $5,000 if done live with SEALed Mindset Instructors and that there is no other training material like this available…at any price.
There’s simply no other firearm training program that combines reprogramming startle responses, accelerated muscle memory creation, stimulus bridge development, mirror neuron training, and fixing linear range training scars in a simple, affordable, and easy to understand package.
But, if I act now, I can secure the DVDs, the on-demand version of the entire course AND the 4 bonus video presentations for just one easy payment of $97!
Today, I get instant digital access to everything and the DVDs will be shipped in a protective bubble mailer in the next business day. And, I’m fully protected by your 100% unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee!
I understand that I can complete the training using a dedicated training platform, like the SIRT laser pistol, or my regular pistol, and that all dry fire drills will be demonstrated using a SIRT or a Glock with a resetting trigger.
These materials sell every day
for up to 70% more, plus shipping…
and don’t include the valuable bonuses
That you’ll receive through this special offer
Choose Your Training Program Now!
for up to 70% more, plus shipping…
and don’t include the valuable bonuses
That you’ll receive through this special offer
Choose Your Training Program Now!

Concealed Carry Masters Course
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Gold Package By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
SIRT Training Pistol
Building Shooters
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
SIRT Training Pistol
- SIRT 110 Polymer Laser Training Pistol
- High-volume self-diagnostic training with NO set up and safe sustainable training.
Building Shooters
- How to maximize performance with minimal training facilities, minimal time, minimal training budgets.
- The best time of day to do your training to have it stick faster and last longer.
- The science behind why frequent small-block learning/training works better and lasts longer than traditional 2, 3, and 5 day firearms training classes.
- The reality of what kind of speed is necessary to win gunfights. What performance is REALLY important and what performance is important for qualifications and competition but relatively irrelevant in a gun fight.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Platinum Package By Entering Your Email Below

Larry Yatch
SEALed Mindset
P.S. Learning this stuff can literally mean the difference between life and death. That’s why I want you to take this entire video series for a spin – without any risk or financial obligation.
You don’t need to be here in person at my studio to learn this; you don’t have to invest the thousands that others have to learn this same material. In fact, today you’ll get a HUGE discount over the regular $297 price just to try it out.
So go ahead and order today. If you ever do find yourself in a sudden attack one day, you’ll be able to handle yourself quickly, easily, and with confidence.
Take action and choose your training course now…

Concealed Carry Masters Course
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Gold Package By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
SIRT Training Pistol
Building Shooters
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
SIRT Training Pistol
- SIRT 110 Polymer Laser Training Pistol
- High-volume self-diagnostic training with NO set up and safe sustainable training.
Building Shooters
- How to maximize performance with minimal training facilities, minimal time, minimal training budgets.
- The best time of day to do your training to have it stick faster and last longer.
- The science behind why frequent small-block learning/training works better and lasts longer than traditional 2, 3, and 5 day firearms training classes.
- The reality of what kind of speed is necessary to win gunfights. What performance is REALLY important and what performance is important for qualifications and competition but relatively irrelevant in a gun fight.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Platinum Package By Entering Your Email Below

"I’ve had the pleasure of training with Larry Yatch for years, and I’ve always been continually impressed with not only his amazing experience as a Navy SEAL, but also with his ability to take topics that were previously reserved for elite tactical teams, and bring them to the civilian market in a way that we can understand. The shooting techniques, the accelerated teaching/learning systems, and the integrated methods that he’s created are among the best that I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot. While I’m lucky enough to live near Larry’s training headquarters, the Concealed Carry Masters Course takes the same knowledge that Larry has shared in the classroom and on the range with thousands of students, and packages it up into a DVD set that brings that same training into the comfort of your own home.
The Concealed Carry Masters Course is really groundbreaking in its ability to take the theory behind proper shooting techniques, and hardwire those techniques at on unconscious level. If you’re serious about using a pistol for self-defense, you should seriously consider this course."
- Michael Martin, USCCA Chief Instructor
“SEALed Mindset is a World-Class self-defense facility and business. I truly believe they are inimitable in this industry and feel fortunate to have access to this level of training. I recently took a course with my wife. In short, the experience was amazing. The class was intense and realistic, but NOT intimidating. The staff are second to none and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. I highly recommend SEALed Mindset to anyone with a pulse (there is literally something for anyone), and especially those who care about their personal safety and the safety of loved ones. SEALed Mindset is simply the best!”
- Kevin
“I’ve been to Front Sight and many of the higher level training programs in the country. SEALed Mindset’s program helps you hone and refine what you learn in that type of “fire-hose” training – and they do it with a fraction of the time and a fraction of the cost. It’s great for guys like me who don’t have the flexibility in my schedule to take a week or two off to travel for training every year, but still want the best there is to keep my family safe.”
- Bob
“As a former professional in the High-Risk Security field, I can say that the importance of qualified, experienced Instructors is a very high priority. Too many times, I have worked with people who had received their CCW permit and were considered “qualified” by the Companies contracted to provide security. I think it is great that you guys are going above and beyond the minimum training needed for Minnesota’s CCW requirements and hope to one day, further my own training on your course!”
- Vic
“I was watching “The real housewives of Miami” and one of the ladies went to the gun range so she could learn how to shoot a gun. Well, I was amazed at the things she was doing wrong, most notable was how she held the gun and the fact that she kept her finger on the trigger the whole time, regardless of the position of the gun! It was great to realize these mistakes, and I’m so thankful for the training I’ve received so far! Seeing that solidifies proper training is absolutely necessary!”
- Marissa
“I want to thank you and all of the SEALed Mindset team members for hosting this course. It was an unbelievable experience, filled with much learning and knowledge that I can use wherever I am. I feel that because I have taken this course, I am much better suited to protect not only myself but also others. Lt. Yatch instilled great lessons while making it an enjoyable and exciting experience. To sum up how I feel about this course, “Never be a victim again. Eliminate uncertainty and control fear by taking this course!”
- Jeffrey
“Personally, I have been shooting for eight years now. I have just assumed that I was a terrible shot and made my peace with that. After a 30 minute training session and some stance and grip corrections I have drastically improved. I might even consider myself a good shot if I continue to cement the lessons. So I definitely enjoyed it immensely. It’s a great facility and program you have going. You should be very proud. I will definitely be recommending it to anybody interested.”
- Shaun
“I really like the mental part of the training, I personally needed it as I feel I’ve lost an edge over the years. I would take a class from SEALed Mindset ANY day, you certainly have my respect.”
- Justin

Concealed Carry Masters Course
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Gold Package By Entering Your Email Below

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Concealed Carry Masters Course Training Manual
After The Smoke Clears
SIRT Training Pistol
Building Shooters
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- Training manual complete with step by step descriptions and photos.
- Lay flat design enables ease of use at the shooting range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.
SIRT Training Pistol
- SIRT 110 Polymer Laser Training Pistol
- High-volume self-diagnostic training with NO set up and safe sustainable training.
Building Shooters
- How to maximize performance with minimal training facilities, minimal time, minimal training budgets.
- The best time of day to do your training to have it stick faster and last longer.
- The science behind why frequent small-block learning/training works better and lasts longer than traditional 2, 3, and 5 day firearms training classes.
- The reality of what kind of speed is necessary to win gunfights. What performance is REALLY important and what performance is important for qualifications and competition but relatively irrelevant in a gun fight.
Reserve Your Concealed Carry Masters Course Platinum Package By Entering Your Email Below