Concealed Carry Masters Course
Online Access
- Instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.

Concealed Carry Masters Course
Dry Fire Training Cards
- 52 Dry Fire Training Drills printed right on the cards to help you know exactly what dry fire drill to do next to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups.
- Step by step drills to show you how to improve your shooting 300% in the next 21 days.
- Small (poker size) and light weight (3 ounces) for easy use and carry.
- Variety of drills that include movement, and low light drills insure that your brain will always be challenged.
- How to hardwire skills and lessons learned in training courses so that you won't lose them over time.
- FREE BONUS Instant access to printable version of the cards and the Dry Fire Training Cards Companion Guide.
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.

Concealed Carry Masters Course with Training Manual
Dry Fire Training Cards
After The Smoke Clears
- 52 Dry Fire Training Drills printed right on the cards to help you know exactly what dry fire drill to do next to shoot faster, tighter, and more accurate groups.
- Step by step drills to show you how to improve your shooting 300% in the next 21 days.
- Small (poker size) and light weight (3 ounces) for easy use and carry.
- Variety of drills that include movement, and low light drills insure that your brain will always be challenged.
- How to hardwire skills and lessons learned in training courses so that you won't lose them over time.
- FREE BONUS Instant access to printable version of the cards and the Dry Fire Training Cards Companion Guide.
- 4 DVD home study PLUS instant online access to the course created by a combat tested US Navy SEAL and full time firearms instruction team.
- 9+ hours of training and demonstration ranging from the basics of shooting to high speed real life drills.
- The ONLY firearms training available that seamlessly integrates and hardwires situational awareness, deterrence skills, reprogramming your startle response, and more.
- The complete Concealed Carry Masters Course compiled into 1 comprehensive training manual.
- Ability to repeat and reread any of the trainings at a glance allowing for accelerated learning.
- The lay-flat spiral bound Concealed Carry Master’s Course Companion Guide with the outline and summaries of each lesson.
- Photos of all of the drills, and written training drills for both dry fire and live fire!
- Lay flat spiral bound so that the book will stay open where you want it while you’re practicing your drills–at home or at the range.
- Understand general legal principles and how to interact with Law Enforcement.
- Your legal fight starts the second after you have had to use your firearm to legally defend yourself or a loved one. We will explain the legalities and your obligations.
- In-depth interview with attorney John Caile that will give you an in-depth look into the mind of a prosecutor, the psychology of a jury and the case law surrounding defensive shootings.